
5 months already

How is this little goober 5 months already?! He is so much fun. I love how he starts to coo in the bath or after he has eaten. He is such a happy little guy. But he has his moments. :)

His cousin, Maya, came into the world on November 8th! Here is the video I did: (It's not my best - I was focusing on taking pictures, not video).

I also threw my friend a baby shower. She is hilarious and the kindest person ever:

I have a new photography blog! http://www.annachristinephoto.com/

Have a happy Thanksgiving!


Backyard Family Photoshoot

Pregnancy Photoshoot at BYU-I

I used to work for Student Support on Campus at BYU-Idaho as their photographer. I graduated, and then my boss called me back to be IN a photo for one of their pregnancy health brochures. It was fun to not have to worry about getting the right shot. I was totally relaxed.

Except when I had to eat that apple. It was kind of awkward.

Sometimes I miss the bump! But then I look at my cute baby and also remember how grateful I am to button my pants again. 


milk for baby

Breastfeeding. Sometimes I want to punch it in the boob.

Am I the only one that thinks it takes wayyy too much time, makes you sweat like you're in the desert, and is kind of very uncomfortable (especially in public)? I'm all for ladies feeding their little ones wherever they are, but it's just not for me. I'd rather be at home naked with the AC all the way up and no one to bother me while feeding my child.

We made it to 2 months of mostly breast feeding/breast milk (pumping) with formula supplemented here and there (mostly on trips). But right now I'm low on supply and I just can't seem to find the energy or will to bring it back up. A month into this already painful journey I got mastitis and it was miserable! I'm kind of on the fence on whether or not I should keep going or stop cold turkey. My decision at this moment is to keep pumping when they hurt or when I can (which is about every 4 hours), and feed him formula when I don't have enough (which is all day errrday). I literally pump barely an ounce each time combining the two (so pathetic! I used to pump 4 ounces out of one!).

What makes me so happy about this dumb situation is the support I've been getting from Kent. He's happy I was able to make it this far and if it's too much for me now, he told me I should stop. But... if I stop, I can't get it back (without a lot of work). It feels like I'd be loosing part of me and this wonderful thing for Milo. But I know I'd be able to worry less and spend more time with Milo and Kent (because of pumping and nursing takes a million hours each time and he's never full).

 The doctor told me, "As long as he's gaining weight, I don't care what he eats." For some reason that gave me comfort with this whole stressful situation. Whatever happens, I know Milo will be fine and a happy, healthy baby.


who does he look like?

I could just stare at this baby face all day. When I see this photo, I seriously see my sister's face in it! Maybe her eyes?? I don't know...

Here's my sister (the baby):

And here's the chunky me:

I guess he's just a perfect mix. 
I couldn't find Kent's baby photos and got way too distracted while looking for them and wasted so much time! haha. But I'll get them up sometime. :)